
Showing posts from May, 2023
Meniere's disease and what to do about it. The main cause of Meniere's disease is a hidden or open inflammatory process in the oral cavity or in adjacent areas, in the so-called  maxillofacial area. If the gums are clearly inflamed, then this is the cause of the disease. Excess lymph is created to isolate inflammation. The products of inflammation through the circulatory system enter the damaged ear and further inside the head. In other words, the cause of Meniere's disease is a slow, local intoxication of the body. I admit that the same reason provokes some neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. Perhaps these are different consequences that have the same root cause. Below are the simple steps needed to eliminate bouts of dizziness and nausea. The elimination of these main symptoms takes approximately two months. Meniere's disease comes and goes for a long time. Unfortunately, hearing cannot be restored, although some improvement is poss...